Part 3: Setting Up Swagger2 with a Spring REST API

Zahid Rasheed
3 min readApr 28, 2020

Part 1: Write Restful api with spring boot
Part 2: Connect Restful api with MySQL

It is important to have proper specifications for the back-end APIs, that should be informative, readable, and easy to follow. Moreover, reference documentation should simultaneously describe every change in the API. Maintaining this manually is a hard job, so automation of the process would be great.

We will achieve this by using Swagger and Springfox. If you are not familiar with Swagger, you can visit its web page to learn more before continuing with this article. And similarly Swagger UI (Springfox) is a built-in solution which makes user interaction with the Swagger-generated API documentation much easier.

Let’s get to the point. Add following 2 dependencies in your gradle build.

dependencies {

Springfox works by examining an application, once, at runtime to infer API semantics based on spring configurations, class structure and various compile time java Annotations. Now in our Application class we will add following code.

class TodoApplication{

fun docket(apiInfo: ApiInfo): Docket {
return Docket(DocumentationType.SWAGGER_2)

fun apiInfo(): ApiInfo {
return ApiInfoBuilder()
.title("Todo app")
.description("API to save and retreive tasks")
fun restTemplate(builder: RestTemplateBuilder): RestTemplate {
fun uiConfiguration(): UiConfiguration {
return UiConfigurationBuilder.builder()

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

Key points:

  • Swagger 2 is enabled through the @EnableSwagger2 annotation.
  • The configuration of Swagger mainly centers around the Docket bean. After the Docket bean is defined, its select() method returns an instance of ApiSelectorBuilder, which provides a way to control the endpoints exposed by Swagger.
  • It is not always desirable to expose the documentation for your entire API. You can restrict Swagger’s response by passing parameters to the apis() and paths() methods of the Docket class.
  • Swagger also provides some default values in its response which you can customize. To change these values, you can use the apiInfo(ApiInfo apiInfo) method. The ApiInfo class that contains custom information about the API.
  • For more information about the security and other configuration, I found this article really helpful.


Now run your project again. Once your project is running you can access the documentation via http://{url}:{port}/swagger-ui.html

Magic!! right?

Now when you click on one of request, you can see example value to see the type of data you will get back from GET request.

You can use the documentation to execute the api and see response, which usually you do using postman or other tools.


How to deploy your application to make it actually useful?



Zahid Rasheed

A human. Being, Technology Freak, Sun hater; snow lover, Enjoys Photography, Live to Travel and Trying to be a better human being everyday..